Charity Overview London Durgotsav Committee, a charitable organisation established in 1963 by few pioneer dedicated Bengalees with the help of late Shri Tusar Kanti Ghosh, doyen of Bengalee journalism who edited Jugantar and Amrita Bazar Patrika, made possible for devotees in London and around areas to have the privilege of Durga Puja celebration over the past 60 years. What the charity does: Who the charity helps: Where the charity operates: Primarily in / around London Charitable Objectives Cultural Heritage Advancement of education in Bengali culture, heritage and tradition s by hosting annual festivals, workshops and exhibitions. Progressing Hindu Religion Advancement of Hindu religion for the benefit of public through holding of prayer meetings, lectures, public celebration of religious festivals, producing and / or distributing literature on Hinduism to enlighten others about Hindu religion. Governing Document Memorandum and Articles incorporated 1 September 2016 as amended by Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name dated 2 November 2017 as amended by Special Resolution registered at Companies House on 13 December 2017. Aims