Frequently Asked Questions

1.When is Durga Puja held this year?

Durga Puja this year will be held in October 2024, starting 09 October through till 13 October.

Maha Shashthi – Wednesday, 09 October

Maha Saptami – Thursday, 10 October

Maha Ashtami – Friday, 11 October

Maha Nabami – Saturday, 12 October

Bijoya Dashami – Sunday, 13 October

2. Is there a daily schedule for Durga Puja?

Please refer to our Puja Nirghonto on our home page:

3. When is Ashtami Puja this year?

Ashtami Puja will be held on Friday, 11 October. For more details, please refer to our Puja Nirghonto on our home page.

4. Is Bhog served every day?

Yes, on all Puja days (09 – 13 October) both in the afternoon and evening.

5. Is Bhog free?

Yes, Bhog is free served on a first come first served basis.

6. Is there an entrance fee?

No, there isn’t any entrance fee.

7. Is donation mandatory?

No, donation is not mandatory. However, it is entirely at your discretion whether or not you want to donate to the charity.

8. Is this the oldest Durga Puja in London?

Yes, this is the first ever Durga Puja in UK and entire Europe and was held in the year 1963.

9. Is Pushpanjali offered on all the Puja days?

Yes, on all the Puja days, except Shasthi (9 Oct) and Dashami (13 October).

10. When is Ashtami Pushpanjali?

Friday, 11 October. Please refer to our Nirghonto on our Home Page.

11. Can we offer fruits and sweets for Puja?

Yes, you may offer fruits and sweets for Puja which will be returned to you after the rituals are done.

12. What time is Sandhi Puja?

Sandhi Puja will be held on Maha Ashtami, Fri 11 October evening. Please refer to our Nirghonto for more details.

13. Will be there be any Kumari Puja?

Kumari Puja will be held on Maha Ashtami, Fri 11 October.

14. Will there be any distribution of Prasad?

Yes, there will be distribution of Prasad on all the Puja days.

15. When is Sindur Khela?

It is on the day of Dashami, Sunday 13 October.